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How to set up environment variables in Windows XP?

Step 1:

First at all, open a command line tool and check what variables are already set up. To do this, click Start -> Run.. and type cmd. To the command line, type set. Image 1 presents an example what you might see. Remember that what you see depends on your setup and differs what is in the picture. However, the important lines are rounded with the red rectangle. If you can see these lines, and they point to the right location, you can congratulate yourself and skip the rest.

An example of environment variables
Figure 1: An example of environment variables

Step 2:

If you did not see the variables, you have to set up them. To do this, right click My computer-icon at the desktop and select Properties. Now you should see the "System Properties" -window. Open Advanced-tab and click Environment Variables button.

System Properties window
Figure 2: Environment Variables button

Step 3:

Now you can set up new variables. They can be only to you (upper part) or to all users (lower part). I recommend that you set up them as system variables (lower part). Click New and set to field

and accept new values by clicking OK.

Next, set up the JMFHOME variable in the same way than JAVA_HOME variable. NOTICE: Even if the actual paths contain white spaces, do not use "-characters around the path value.

Environment Variables window
Figure 3: Environment Variables window

Now go back up Step 1 and check that you are able to see the variables. Remember to open a new console; configured values do not impact to existing consoles. Logo