0. Required software:
- Java 2 JRE version 1.5 or greater (or Java 2 SDK version 1.5 or greater if you want to compile OpenLogbook) from the source code.
- Java Media Framework (JMF) 2.1.1
- The distribution package of OpenLogbook
1. Installation of Java JRE (or SDK):
Before you can start using OpenLogbook, you have to install Java 2 JRE version 1.5 or greater on your machine. If you want to compile the source code version of OpenLogbook, you have to install Java 2 SDK.
The Java 2 JRE and SDK can be downloaded from
2. Installation of Java Media Framework
OpenLogbook uses JMF (Java Media Framework) version 2.1.1 to display multimedia data. Java Media Framework can be downloaded from
3. Set up environment variables
Following environment variables have to be set:
- $JAVA_HOME - This should point to your Java installation directory.
- $JMFHOME - This should point to your JMF installation directory.
Instructions how to set up variables in WinXP...
4. Installation of OpenLogbook
First download the latest binary release, found from the download page.
Next step is to extract the downloaded zip package. For that you need a program capable for extracting zip archives, for example WinZip or similar.
5. Start using OpenLogbook
After installing these OpenLogbook will work without any further installations. OpenLogbook itself doesn't set any other software or hardware requirements.
OpenLogbook sets the correct CLASSPATH itself, so it doesn't need to be set by the user.
The OpenLogbook is started by running a script found from programs root directory.
- When using Windows:
Inside command prompt type openlogbook.bat or double click the file from Windows Explorer.
- When using Linux:
Execute script by command ./openlogbook.sh or sh openlogbook.sh.